Cans can be included in Brighton & Hove City Council Recycling.
Residents receiving a black box collection canput cans in their black box along with paper, cardboard, aerosols, drink cans, food tins and plastic bottles.
Residents in flats with a recycling service candeposit their cans along with household aerosols. They can also be taken to 75 recycling points across the city.
For more details contact City Clean on 01273 292929.
You can take them to a local scrap dealer and weigh them in to raise funds for yourself or a charity. First check they're aluminium by using a magnet (a fridge magnet will do). If they're magnetic then they're NOT aluminium. When you've checked them crush them so you can fit more in a bag. The current price per kilo is 50p. Can you believe we landfill £36 million worth of aluminium every year!
The local scrap metal company that The Green Centre use for aluminium cans isGeo.E.Richardson & Sons Ltd. There have been changes in the laws about how to use scrap metal merchants. For more details please contact them on 01273 570246.
Cans must be empty
When producing recycled aluminium 95% less energy is used than when producing primary aluminium.
Approximately £36 million worth of aluminium is landfilled every year!