Rymans, Brighton at, 55-56 North Street, Brighton, BN1 1RH.
You can also recycle used pens, markers, felt tips and empty Tippex bottles at Rymans.
Ink and toner cartridge recycling is available and they provide customers with a 50p discount for each cartridge returned (discount is only available when making a subsequent purchase of ink / toner in store on the day of making the return and is for a maximum of 5 cartridges per transaction).
If your printer is out of black ink or toner, change the text colour to dark blue and you'll be able to print for longer before purchasing a refill. Opt for slim fonts like Arial and Courier New to save ink.
Over 65 million printer cartridges are sold each year in the UK alone. Of these 65 million cartridges, only an estimated 15% are recycled or reused. Up to 3 pints of oil are used in the manufacture of a new printer cartridge. When you recycle cartridges you can help reduce this figure.
The plastic that is contained within the casing of printer cartridges can take up to 1000 years to decompose. The best way to prevent this is to recycle cartridges so that they are reused.