Showers are the biggest water user in the house using 25%. People generally spend seven-and-a-half minutes in the shower. 87% of people do not exceed ten minutes on their daily shower. A shower is better than a bath. A full bathtub requires about 70 gallons of water, while taking a five-minute shower uses 10 to 25 gallons.
Toilets use 22% of water. Make sure you have a low flush toilet, that is 4.5 litres or under. If you can't afford a low energy flush toilet then place a "hippo" bag (available from the water board) in the cistern. Better still, fill a plastic milk container with water and place that in the cistern.
You can reuse your "grey water", that's the water from your bath, dishwasher, shower, washing machine, etc. This makes up almost half of all residential waste water and can be useed for watering the garden and washing the car for example.
Each person uses about 142 litres of water each day.
The average household uses 349 litres of water each day.
40% of households boil the kettle four times or more a day – and most (75%) say they boil more water than they need.